Monday 2 June 2008

Minxyness North of the Border.

Hi, A happy cheery post for my first on the blog.

Just winding down from my first race with Roberta as "The M1NX G1RLS" at the 10 Under the Ben enduro in Fort William. What a day! Could you imagine ever complaining that it was too hot and dry in Scotland?? In spite of the oven-like heat whilst riding, it was a superb weekend on ace trails with a great atmosphere. Loads of support amongst competitors, newbies and experienced alike. The midges descending at twilight put a bit of a dampener on the post race festivities, but the band were troopers and played on, albeit with the drumer with a towel over his head! Best memory of the weekend was from during the 7pm downpour where I decided to rinse my sweaty, salty, dusty hair under the run off from the gazebo. Two of the guys with us were inspired by my action and took the opportunity to have a proper wash, shampoo and all.

It was an extra bonus to get Minx Jerseys on the podium with a third in the Senior Female Pairs.


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